My best friend, Stephanie, is on vacation in Norway.  She left America, and the shit hit the fan.  This is obviously her fault.

I already spent an entire episode on the January 6 Committee Hearings.  I won’t go any further into that now, but those started right around the time Stephanie left.  Since she’s been gone, half of our population has lost the right to bodily autonomy.  That’s a polite way of saying pregnant persons don’t get to choose what will happen to their bodies anymore.  They can now be turned in because their periods are irregular.  There are bounties available for turning in someone you suspect might have had an abortion.

One of The People on The Porch, whose identity I will not reveal, suffers from a condition called PCOS.  What is that?  I didn’t know, either so I looked it up.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which the ovaries produce an abnormal amount of androgens, male sex hormones that are usually present in women in small amounts.  The symptoms of PCOS may include:

  • Missed periods, irregular periods, or very light periods…
  • Infertility,that%20form%20in%20the%20ovaries.

How is this relevant?  It makes it likely that a woman suffering from this condition could be suspected of having had an abortion.  There are places where she would have to prove she didn’t.  Is this really what we want? 

The Attack on Freedom doesn’t end there.

They have just put religion back into public schools.  The government now gets to “encourage” your religious belief.  The defense I am hearing is that it’s “voluntary” to remain when the football coach is conducting a prayer on the field.  Justice Sotomayor disagreed:

Sotomayor’s dissent, which included photographs of the prayers in question, suggested that she thought the majority was not describing accurately the factual circumstances of the case.

“As the majority tells it, Kennedy, a coach for the District’s football program, ‘lost his job’ for ‘(praying) quietly while his students were otherwise occupied,’” she wrote.  “The record before us, however, tells a different story.”

Her dissent also pointedly noted that the school district tried to accommodate the coach by offering him a place to pray, off the field.  “Again, the District emphasized that it was happy to accommodate Kennedy’s desire to pray on the job in a way that did not interfere with his duties or risk perceptions of endorsement,” she said.

She said that it was “unprecedented” for the court to hold that Kennedy’s conduct, “taken as a whole, did not raise cognizable” concerns of coercion.

Sotomayor stressed that students could have felt coerced to join in the prayer and pointed to the fact that the court in the past has “recognized that students face immense social pressure.”

She said that they look up to their teachers and coaches as role models and “seek their approval” and that players might try to gain a coach’s approval to secure a stronger letter of recommendation for college recruiting or more playing time on the field.  “The record before the Court bears this out,” she wrote.

While it’s true that no one was physically stopping players or fans from leaving, physical pressure isn’t all that is involved.  Fitting in with others is a vital part of our social development.  I hid my atheism for years because I was already enough of an outcast in public school.  I couldn’t take the chance of being any more different from my classmates.  And, yes, it happened to me in fourth grade.

“You know why it should be front and center?  It’s not the first amendment, it’s not freedom of religion, it’s not church and state.  It’s not abstract.  It’s the fourth grader who gets his ass kicked at recess because he sat out the voluntary prayer in home room.  It’s another way of making kids different from other kids when they’re required by law to be there.  That’s why you want it front and center: the fourth grader.  That’s the prize.”

– Toby Zigler, Season 2, Episode 8 “Shibboleth” in The West Wing written by Aaron Sorkin

I’m an atheist, and I can say that now because I live alone, I practically never leave the house, and the fact that lots of people don’t like me for that isn’t as difficult to handle.  If I were still in 4th grade, I don’t know how I would deal with it. 

I have no problem of any kind with the fact that many people I love have very different relationships with the universe than I do.  One of the people I love most became a minister a few years ago, and I’m proud to say I was among her biggest supporters when she was studying.  It was something important to her, and I want for her all the things that make her happy.  Her religious beliefs helped to shape her into a kind, empathetic, loving person who wants to make the world a better place.  We’re standing on the same ground about that.  We just took different paths to get here.

Now The Supreme Court is telling us we need to be a part of the majority if we don’t want to feel ostracized.

What else are they going to do?

They’ve made it clear they’re just getting started.  One of my gay friends is doing all he can to shore up his legal rights to protect his marriage because that’s on the agenda.  The Supreme Court is not only telling half of the population what they have to do with their bodies, and they’re not just saying we need to adopt the religious beliefs of those around us if we don’t want to face shunning (or getting our asses kicked at recess), but they’re also telling us who we can love, and how we can love them.  They’re going to revisit gay marriage and contraception. 

In his concurring opinion, Thomas — an appointee of President George H.W. Bush — wrote that the justices “should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell” — referring to three cases having to do with Americans’ fundamental privacy, due process, and equal protection rights.

One of The People on The Porch told me this on Facebook:

My marriage is about to be invalidated.  Just got off the phone making lawyer appointments to update our wills and trusts.  Technically if they repeal 14th amendment-based decisions, I’ll have to move into the spare room.

Fred Eder

Name Deleted, this is entirely unacceptable.  I don’t know what we can do beyond voting in massive numbers, and, I hope, increasing the size of SCOTUS so we can dilute the power of the fascists who have been working toward this for 40 years.

The idea that you can’t love whomever you choose should be offensive to any person with a molecule of empathy in their souls.

We are being told what we can and can’t do with our own bodies, who and how we may love, and what religious views we must have.  Any one of those is an outrage.  Collectively, they add up to the foundations of a dystopian nightmare.

I don’t have the power to fight this level of Evil.  I could never make it to Mordor to destroy the Ring.  My hopes for survival are pinned to a Frodo of whom I’ve never heard to restore what little freedom we have left.

Fred Eder, ah well I was in the streets in the 80s and 90s.  I’m staring turning 60 in the face.  I had hoped that our actions in those days would pave the way for equality, and they did….  for a while…now the fascism is back with a vengeance.  Didn’t think I’d have to, but I will pick up signs, bricks and more to stop this.  The Christian Taliban ain’t getting their way on my watch if I can help it.

Fred Eder

Name Deleted, I’m glad you’re healthy enough to do this.  I can barely stand up.

All I can do is talk to the 50 or so people who listen to my show every week.  My hope is I can get one or two of them to vote for, advocate for, and take whatever action they can to protect what little is left of our Freedom.

Thank you for all you have done to help keep us free.

I’ve seen on Facebook recently the unattributed quote that “The road to fascism is paved with people telling us we’re overreacting.”

I don’t believe I’m overreacting.  More than half of the population has lost an important right.  I understand opposing abortion.  I would prefer that no one ever needed one, but the fact is that those who get pregnant do sometimes, for reasons that are none of my business.  They’re none of your business, either. 

The idea that we get to decide for anyone other than ourselves, when, with whom, or how we should have sex is unconscionable.  What goes on between consenting adults is of no concern to anyone but them.  The Supreme Court, however, has decided that government should be just small enough to fit in everyone’s bedrooms.  You may not have sex with a member of your own gender.  You may not use contraceptives with your partner.  You must have a baby if you become pregnant.  This is what our Supreme Court wants to tell us. 

“That’s not what they’re saying at all.  They’re saying it’s up to each state to decide these things.  They’re not taking anyone’s rights away.  They’re giving rights to decide back to the states.”

Oh yes… States’ Rights.  I know I’ve heard of that somewhere before… Where was that?  Oh yes… There was a thing called The Civil War.  That was about States’ Rights, too, but in that case, it was about the rights of some states to own other human beings.  I don’t believe there is anyone listening who would be in favor of slavery today.    

I know, though, that many of us are opposed to abortion.  Some of us oppose it for religious reasons, and others simply think of it as murdering babies.  Let me be clear:  No one wants to murder babies.  I would do anything in my power to save the life of a child.  So would anyone else listening now. 

How could we reduce the number of abortions people have?  This is a question worth pursuing. 

First, we could minimize some of the reasons pregnant people feel the need for them.  This would include not outlawing, but distributing freely and everywhere, all the contraception people need.  If people don’t get pregnant in the first place, they don’t need abortions.  If you oppose abortion, I hope you would support this.

Next, we could ensure that all the prenatal help a pregnant person needs is freely and widely available.  If you oppose abortion, I hope you would support this.

We could also improve the financial circumstances of pregnant people so they can afford to raise a child.  We could get them all the diapers, food, formula, day care, and any other assistance they need to be able to raise a child.  If you oppose abortion, I hope you would support this.

Will this end all abortions?  No.  Of course not.  These are only some of the reasons people get abortions.  But if they keep even one person from having an abortion, isn’t that closer to what you want?  Isn’t something better than nothing?

And, making abortion illegal in roughly half of the country won’t stop abortions, either.  Wealthy people who become pregnant will still find places to obtain their safe and legal abortions.  Poor people won’t have as many options, and I think these are the people The Supreme Court is targeting.  They can’t afford to run off to another state at will to get their abortions.  They will need to get dangerous illegal abortions, often performed by people who are not qualified. 

I would prefer, too, that no one needed an abortion, but there are any number of times when they are necessary.  And it’s nothing any pregnant person wants in the same way they want an ice cream cone.  It’s something they need for any number of reasons that I have no right to judge.  What scares me the most is that the fascism won’t end with the freedoms that are being curtailed for ever-growing segments of the population.  It’s that the people who want to restrict our freedoms are not exactly known for their loyalty.  They wanted to hang one of their own on January 6, 2021.  If you’re thinking that this isn’t going to affect you because you’re straight, or male, or Christian, I would like to remind you that Mike Pence is all those things, too.  Please don’t believe that when the violence begins, you’ll certainly be spared.

One of my most intelligent friends, Greg Smithwick, pointed out today on his show, “So Local Live” that once the violence begins, it’s difficult to control.  This is important to remember.  Yes, I want to stop the attacks on Freedom while we still can.  No, I don’t advocate violence, although I know many of you feel it may be necessary.  I hope you’re wrong. 

One of the things that I believe is going to help us to avoid a Second Civil War is our diversity.  There are people of differing political views in every state in the nation.  There is no exclusively Republican or Democratic state.  There are liberals in Arizona.  (Hi, I’m Fred, have we met?)  There are conservatives in California.  I lived in one of their trailers for a couple of months.  I don’t see our two states going to war because there are enough people on the opposing side in every state. 

Every night at 6:05 PM (It used to be 7:37 PM, but Mom is falling asleep earlier now) I talk to my Mom.  We have nearly the same conversation every night, and it ends with me saying, “Now you know I’m okay, and I know you’re okay, so we can both relax and get a good night’s sleep.”  What I fear most is the day when I won’t be able to make that call, or to tell her I’m okay.  I don’t feel confident that I will be able to do that indefinitely.  Fascists don’t like people like me very well.  The only thing I have going for me is that I’m so small I might escape their notice, at least in the beginning of the rounding up of enemies of the state.

Regular listeners know that on The Front Porch, I like to leave you with hope.  I want us to continue to Shine.  This week, that hope comes from one of The People on The Porch who posted this on Facebook last week when I said that freedom is under attack, and that I’m terrified:

It’s more likely that this measure will prompt a backlash that institutes some needed reforms.

1) Now a constitutional amendment securing the equality of women as well bodily sovereignty has become urgent.  It can be worded in a way that makes it dangerous for even the most obstinate senators to vote against.

2) The Supreme Court will now come under heavy and sustained political fire for a very long time, and so perhaps term limits (18 years?) will gain support.

3) Gay marriage, contraceptives, interracial marriage, and so on cannot be subject to surprise attacks, because everyone is on alert now and no one can be caught by surprise.  There’s a paradox that when you think you’re safe, you’re not, and when you’re on high alert because your guard is up, the vigilance actually means you’re in less danger.

Fred Eder

Thank you for giving me a little hope.  This terror does horrible things to my depression.  There’s a part of me that just wants to find a way to run as far from here as I can, but I have no way to do that.

This is not the America I grew up believing in.  This is no longer the great shining beacon of Freedom that made me so proud as a child.  We have been watching it happen slowly for 40 years.  Now it’s coming to fruition, and if we don’t stop it now, we will never be able to survive.

Fred Eder, it is still that shining beacon.  There is simply nowhere else for the people of the world to turn to for a vision of the future.  Russia?  China?  Europe?  Japan?  They’re all in demographic decline, and have a small, narrow, ethnocentric interest and perspective.

America remains the last best hope for the world – a multi-ethnic democracy where cults of personality must eventually lose out to and be subordinate to the rule of law.

We’re being tested.  Although it is difficult to see in the darkest of night, the version of America that’s worth fighting for is still winning.

So… without violence, what can we do?

Greg suggested getting 10 people all the help they need to be sure they’re registered to vote.  You’re my 10 people.  If you need help, you can ask me.  I’m not any sort of expert, but I can do the Google Search for you if you have difficulty. 

I don’t have any money to contribute to the people or causes that might lead us out of this nightmare.  I barely have enough money to make ends meet, even though I’m getting the greatest deal on rent I ever could hope to have, a friend sends me money for groceries sometimes, and I get support from The People on the Porch.  My Disability check wouldn’t even pay the rent on the smallest apartment in my town.  I rarely have triple digits in my account at the end of the month.  There are times I don’t even have double digits.  If you’re someone with extra money to support the causes in which you believe, please donate to them.  While I don’t like the fact that our world is based around money, that doesn’t change the fact that it is.  Money helps get things done.

The last time I attended a protest was, I think, 3 years ago.  My former roommates could correct me on this.  They were there.  My memory is not to be relied upon for accuracy.  When we got home, I was throwing up for most of the night.  There was some discussion about whether I needed to go to the ER yet again, but they gave me some sort of pill that stopped the vomiting, and I was all right.  I think it was heat stroke and exhaustion.  I was healthier three years ago than I am now.  I don’t have the physical strength to attend a protest.  If you do, and you can do it safely, I encourage you to go.  You don’t need to do violence.  You just need to be there.  Numbers make a difference. 

I have no skill in organizing anything.  I would make a mess of it.  Are you good at organizing?  Excellent.  Use that skill.

All I have the ability to do now is this show.  I’m hoping to rally all 50 of the people who listen to the cause of change.  Whatever you can do to help, please, please, please do it! 

Stephanie will have returned to America by the time this hits Patreon, so perhaps it will all have stopped by then, since, clearly, it was her fault all this happened in the first place.  America can’t survive without her.  But, just in case my reasoning here is faulty (you might check out something called Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc sometime), I’m asking you to help save Freedom before it is gone.

Oh, and on a side note, Greg, you said on your show today that you’ve been supporting me on Patreon for years.  If you have been, I didn’t know that.  Are you my Mystery Patron?  Has your identity finally been revealed?  If that’s you, thank you!  If it’s not, could you please send me a little of what you’re smoking?  It seems to be better than mine. 

And I want to remind you, dear listener, once more, that I love you. 

2 thoughts on “Freedom is Under Attack

  1. Dear Fred,

    Hello! I have enjoyed perusing your well-written and highly engaging posts entitled “Freedom is Under Attack“. I would like to commend you very highly on your valiantly asserting the paramount of human rights and civil liberties with respect to the sobering implications of the current state of affairs whose chaos and disruptions are very topical areas for exploring the many outstanding tensions between (the sociopsychological states of) sanity/stability and insanity/instability, affecting not just reproductive freedoms but also the very existence and survival of humanity. There is plenty to explore regarding the escalating conflicts between the two major parties. Any reasonable and discerning person can conclude that the USA has been plagued by ignorance, dogma, falsity, blind faith, spiritual stagnation and epistemological impasse . . . . .

    Apart from what you have discussed in your posts, even just the fallouts of the main event regarding the SCOTUS’ decisions on abortion and its striking down Roe v. Wade can have various implications and ramifications for the following:

    Reproductive freedoms…
    LGBTQ freedoms…
    Contraceptive freedoms…
    Migrants freedoms…
    The freedom of liberty (common sense gun safety, and police reform)…
    The right to vote…

    We have been witnessing so clearly the insidious nature of Trumpism, Machiavellian conservatism and inimical illiberalism perverting democracy for nefarious purposes and for justifying, obfuscating or muddying the waters of systemic sexism, racism, historical negationism, discrimination, marginalization and curtailment of civil rights. Given your position and concerns, you are hereby invited to peruse my latest post entitled “🏛️⚖️ The Facile and Labile Nature of Law: Beyond the Supreme Court and Its Ruling on Controversial Matters 🗽🗳️🔫🤰🧑‍🤝‍🧑💉“, as I am certainly very keen and curious about what you will make of my said post published at

    Wishing you a wonderfully productive week doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most!

    Yours sincerely,SoundEagle

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